
Statistics with ChartJS

9/4/2022 • 1 minutes

Sorry, I haven't posted here in a while. I was still working on more github projects over the summer but I forgot to update what I've done here. Anyways, school started and in my stats class because we were only going to start using calculators next week I wanted to make something to graph and display data from points that a user inputs. I saw my dad using chart js so I kept it in the back of my mind to use for later. And then when I saw this projectand combined with the stats class beginning, I was motivated to create this project. At the time I'm writing this I have not added things like mean, median, mode and standard deviation yet but I am planning on doing that soon.

So here's the app: https://kach0w-statistics.herokuapp.com/

Also tomorrow it's labor day so whenever you're reading this, I hope you have a nice day.