
Winter Update or: How I Need Better Titles

12/11/2023 • 2 minutes

Just as it was stunningly predicted in my last blog post–it’s been a while. Or to be exact 5 months and 2 days. A new record! 🎉 I haven’t really done much on the website over these last couple of months; school has hit hard. Anyway, things have been picking up recently so I’m gonna update the projects with some new stuff I’ve done.

Now that that’s out of the way, let me get started with this update. There’s nothing really central about this blog post so I guess it’s time to continue with the uncreative name arc: “Winter Update or: I Need Better Names”.

Did some things on GitHub:

  1. Finally finished the Rate My AP’s project - never really went anywhere but whatever
  2. Dogmash - I guess I wanted to learn about ELO?
  3. Cron Sentiment Analysis - Just a fork
  4. News Classifier - It’s been a fun weekend, let me actually talk a bit about it.

Ok, so News Classifier. That along with the Audax Labs Internship project are the main things I’ve been doing this weekend (and I guess this blog, what a momentous occasion). I have been doing all this stuff while grinding a playlist of the Smiths, my Spotify Stats are going to be crazy:

Credit to Stats for Spotify.

So the News Classifier. I don’t know I guess I wanted to do stuff with Machine Learning and Web Dev. More importantly, this project has confirmed a long-standing suspicion of mine: python SUCKS for web dev. Never using Streamlit again - 2/10 (admittedly, I used it again with the internship, though that’s probably gonna change).

What else was I gonna talk about? I don’t know. Well, I guess that’s it.

Merry Christmas! 🧑‍🎄 Happy Hanukkah! Happy New Year!

See you in another 5 months and 2 days! 👋